HCAT is committed to helping you achieve your goal of obtaining the FACHE credential by:
- Giving members the opportunity to receive 13.5 face-to-face credits via 6+ educational events
- Reimbursing selected members for exam fees
- Providing mentorship and support for advancement eligible members
- Collaborating with other chapters and organizations to support exam prep courses
- Connect you with members who have received their FACHE and can provide guidance/mentorship

The Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) credential is the gold standard for board certification in health management.
What is the FACHE Credential?
How to I advance to Fellow?
There are a variety of requirements that a member must achieve in order to receive this prestigious credential. They include: being an ACHE member, earning an advanced degree, having adequate professional experience, obtaining references, achieving 36 continuing education credits, volunteering, and passing the FACHE exam.
How can HCAT support me in my journey to FACHE?
Please reach out to our Advancement Chair, Jace Brady, at JPBRADY@sentara.com to connect and discuss what we can do to support you as you advance to Fellow.
We can support you by: helping to provide letters of recommendation, connecting you with a current Fellow, setting up practice interviews, guiding you on how to request for reimbursement for exam fees, and more.