Leading a Culture of Safety: A Blueprint for Success
April 8 @ 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Two-Part Registration REQUIRED!
- Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-a-culture-of-safety-a-blueprint-for-success-tickets-1242428159069?aff=oddtdtcreator
- ACHE: https://account.ache.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Reg_evt_key=71580918-38b6-4698-9844-7d79cd33f572&WebCode=EvtRedirectorTL&site=ACHE
To help healthcare leaders achieve total system safety across the continuum, ACHE, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement/National Patient Safety Foundation Lucian Leape Institute developed a guide “Leading a Culture of Safety: A Blueprint for Success”. This Blueprint is designed to help leaders shape, create and sustain the type of organizational culture needed to ensure patient and workforce safety and inspire healthcare leaders on the journey to zero harm. This discussion will focus on the six critical domains to develop and sustain a culture of safety.
Moderator: Jordan Hildreth – Manager, Quality Improvement, Sentara Health
- Stephanie Jackson – Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, Sentara Health
- Kelly Wood – Director, Patient Safety, Bon Secours Mercy Health
- Jeffrey Senter – Chief Operations Officer, Norfolk Department of Public Health
April 8th 6-7:30pm. Virtual event. Eligible for 1.5 Virtual Interactive Education credits through ACHE.